Thank you for stopping by to read about the devastating arrival of Collabria Mastercard to Coast Capital Savings.

Here you will find out what Coast Capital is not telling their members/customers about Collabria Mastercard.

Coast Capital Visa

The credit card that Coast Capital has been offering to its customers for many years is a Visa.

I don’t have a credit card with Coast Capital Savings. Though not for lack of trying.

About 30 years ago I was looking to trade in my Scotiabank Visa and get a credit card with Coast Capital. Back in the days when Coast Capital was still known as Surrey Credit Union.

Anyway, they basically told me to fuck off so I never got a credit card there.

Mastercard is coming

When I logged on to the Coast Capital website a couple of weeks ago, I noticed this announcement:

Edited March 10, 2024: LOL Coast Capital removed the link about Collabria Mastercard.

Most of it is just a hand job, but you got to laugh at this one little piece of bullshit:

Coast Capital is working to make this transition simple and worry-free.

Coast Capital joins race to the bottom

Unfortunately, Coast Capital Savings is not giving their customers all the information they need to make an informed decision on whether or not a Collabria Mastercard is a good choice.

Envision Financial is a useless credit union in British Columbia that already torments their customers with Collabria Mastercard.

I’m not sure why Coast Capital is lowering themselves to Envision Financial’s level. Really. You have to sink pretty low to catch up with Envision, a company that named themselves after toilet paper.

Ass Wipe Envision Financial

I can understand why Envision chose Collabria Mastercard, because it’s more in tune with their philosophy of lousy customer service and general indifference. See a review from a former Collabria Mastercard employee who calls the place toxic with incompetent leadership. That perfectly describes the Envision Financial workplace too. As I said, like-minded companies enter partnership agreements.

On their website, Coast Capital claims that they put their customers and community first.

That’s a lie. Obviously Coast Capital enjoys putting their members in situations where they’ll be pulling out their hair!

Collabria Mastercard reviews

OK, here’s the stuff that Coast Capital is not disclosing to their members.

Begin with my review: The Frustration of Dealing with Envision Financial’s Collabria Mastercard

On the Pissed Consumer website check out the Collabria reviews.

Trustpilot only has a couple of reviews, I guess angry Collabria clients are complaining elsewhere, but this is what is being said:

AWFUL! Worst Customer Service Agents who bark and treat customers like crap. They lack professionalism, courtesy and basic respect.

They can’t do simple math. And, lied about it when I watched in real time.

And looky here. Collabria Mastercard has a failing grade with the BBB. Shocker! NOT!!!


When I first noticed the devastating arrival of Collabria Mastercard to Coast Capital Savings, I put it on my Twitter feed.

I got this response:

Coast Capital is excited to bring Collabria-issued Coast Capital Mastercard® products to our members. If you wish to share your feedback with us, please feel free to use the ‘tell us about your experience’ link below. Best – Val

LOL! Really Val? Coast Capital is excited to bring the Collabria Mastercard shitshow to their members?

And yes, I did use the form to express my dismay that Coast Capital is lowering itself to Envision Financial’s level. How exciting is that?

The devastating arrival of Collabria Mastercard to Coast Capital Savings

As previously mentioned, even though Coast Capital decided I’m not good enough to have a credit card with them, I do have an Envision Collabria Mastercard that I don’t use. Though I enjoy the financial losses it brings to their lousy company.

I’m dismayed that Coast Capital Savings is not getting the whole Collabria story out to their members who will be affected by this switch.

If you have a credit card with Coast Capital, I strongly recommend that you find another financial institution to switch your credit card to.

Take a look at Credit Card Genius that compares credit cards.

As far as I’m concerned, the “executive” at Coast Capital that made this VERY BAD decision to switch to Collabria Mastercard should be fired.

Are you plagued with a Collabria Mastercard? Lay it on us! Leave a comment below.

Published by Cheryl @ The Lifestyle Digs on August 12, 2023 and updated on March 10, 2024.

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