It is year two of maintaining a healthier lifestyle! Last year I wrote A Year of Maintaining a Healthier Lifestyle and two years ago I wrote A Year to a Healthier Lifestyle. Let me work …

Do you have to Give Two Weeks Notice when Quitting your Job?
Have you ever wondered if you have to give two weeks notice when quitting your job? Is there a law that says you have to give two weeks notice to the boss when quitting your …

Does Higher Education mean a Higher Paying Job?
What do you think? Does higher education mean a higher paying job? When you were younger, did you ever hear that you needed to keep going to school to get a higher paying job? I’m …

Wouldn’t a Horse Job be Wonderful?
I can’t tell you how many times I said to myself – wouldn’t a horse job be wonderful! Working with horses would be a dream job for so many people! Or would it? There are …

How to get Free Stuff and Sometimes even get Paid!
When we live as frugally as possible, we’re always on the lookout for getting free stuff. Getting paid for a product review would be great. What about being a mystery shopper? Are those jobs for …

Spending the Day in Pajamas is not for Me
Ever since I was young I’ve always gotten dressed before leaving my bedroom. I’ve never been the type of person who walks around the house in my pajamas. Well, probably not since I was …

Not Another Capsule Wardrobe Article!
Do we really need another article on the Internet about organizing your closet into a capsule wardrobe? Not happening here. This post is my argument against a capsule wardrobe! Capsule wardrobe Have you been reading …

Older Ladies – Write a Great Resume to get the Job You Want!
I recently found a job in a quick time frame – one week! Yippee! Unheard of. I’ve looked for work for months without getting a nibble. And the nibbles I get usually go nowhere after …