Hello friends, and thanks for stopping by to read about the frustrating pitfalls when using your Tangerine Bank account while travelling abroad. As you might recall, I have a hate/hate relationship with Tangerine Bank. I …

Another Compromised Credit Card!
Can you believe I’m dealing with another compromised credit card? Once again, I’m the victim of credit card fraud. A few nights ago I was grocery shopping at the Real Canadian Superstore. I’m planning to …

Using Credit Cards for Robbing Peter to pay Paul
I always dreaded my credit card statement showing up in the mail with the bad news about my current balance and the minimum payment I had to make by the due date. Take that dread …

TD Visa Fraud Alert Text
Have any of you seen this commercial on TV? I’ve seen it a few times, but before today I couldn’t tell you which bank or credit card company it’s for. Now I know! Wake up …

Life with Credit Cards
Credit cards. Yuck! Unfortunately, pretty much a necessary evil in the world we live in. If we want to buy something online, we need a credit card to pay for it. If we plan to …

I’m a Survivor of a Rogue TD Bank Employee
Edit Post 30 years of dealing with TD Bank and TD Visa: the good, the bad, and the ugly – I’m a survivor of a rogue TD Bank employee! I can’t remember when I …

14 Tips on your Checklist for International Travel
I’ve done a fair amount of international travel over my life. Most of my relatives live in England and Scotland and I traveled there frequently as a child. Into adulthood my favorite travel spots changed …