Is your 2022 Debt Stressing you out and it’s only January? Are you panicking? Feeling high levels of anxiety? How are you holding out with your 2022 debt stress levels? Here’s the thing about all …

Is your 2021 Debt Stressing you out and it’s only January?
How are you holding out with your 2021 debt stress levels? Here’s the thing about all the debt you had in 2020. That debt followed you into 2021! Wouldn’t it be nice to start off …

Christmas and your Money are Gone… what now?
Let’s follow up on a post about Christmas stress caused by lack of money. January credit card statements have been rolling in with the bad news on how much Christmas shopping you did. The big …

Christmas Stress caused by (lack of) Money
Christmas stress caused by (lack of) money. Yikes! Who else has gone out and bought a bunch of Christmas presents and paid with a credit card? Probably on a credit card that you’re already struggling …

Taking Stress Leave in Canada
I follow a website called the Canadian Money Forum. This is a community forum board with several sections such as General Finance Talk, Investing, Frugality, Retirement, etc. People can register and ask questions and respond …