Apparently someone didn’t get the memo that I don’t want Starbucks eGift cards! Ha ha! Actually, there was no memo. I wrote a blog post about how difficult Starbucks eGift cards are to apply to …

Review of Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate
Thanks for stopping by to read my review of Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate! The Signature Black version! You might think a review of Starbucks coffee is a little odd for a person who’s not …

Save Money with Homemade Cold Starbucks Drinks
You’re here today to save money with homemade cold Starbucks drinks! With summer upon us, we’re looking for cold drinks to cool us down on hot days. How many readers enjoy going to Starbucks? I’m …

Trying to add Money to Starbucks Account is an Exercise in Frustration!
Aarrggghhhh – trying to add money to Starbucks account is an exercise in frustration! Who else has trouble trying to add money to a Starbucks account? I have the Starbucks app on my iPhone …

Try the Limited Edition Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino for some Sour Power!
Yes, I have jumped on the bandwagon! I have tried the limited edition Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino. Sour Power! Now I love sour things so when this sweet syrupy frap turned sour – Yum! All you …