Hello friends, and thanks for stopping by to read about the frustrating pitfalls when using your Tangerine Bank account while travelling abroad. As you might recall, I have a hate/hate relationship with Tangerine Bank. I …

Love my Hot Chocolate and Churros!
Hi friends, and thanks for stopping by to read about how I love my hot chocolate and churros! Yup, I’m a full-fledged chocoholic. I discovered hot chocolate and churros many decades ago when I was …

Solo Female Travelers Beware: Discrimination in Ávila, Spain
Hello friends, and thank you for stopping by to read Solo Female Travelers Beware: Discrimination in Ávila, Spain. Even if you’re not traveling to this Spanish city, keep reading to see how one of the …

Culture Exchange through Communication: Volunteering with VaughanTown
In December, 2023, my nomadic life brought me a rewarding volunteer opportunity with VaughanTown in Spain. Vaughan is an English language school based in Madrid. Part of the curriculum offered to adult students is the …

15 Culture Shocks you’ll Experience in Spain
Referring to culture shock in Spain, or any country, isn’t necessarily describing shocking things that are traumatic or illegal or uncivilized. The culture shock I’ve experienced in Spain tends to be annoying, frustrating, or puzzling. …

No Country for Old Women
Canada is no country for old women. And the same goes for our neighbors to the South. America is no country for old women either. In the Greater Vancouver Area, 22% of the region’s homeless …

Lessons Learned on the Camino de Santiago
Prior to walking the Camino de Santiago, I watched several YouTube channels of pilgrims on their journey. Almost all of them talked about lessons they learned daily on the Camino. I noticed the same thing …

Navigating Useless Advice: What Not to Believe about the Camino de Santiago
If you’re considering walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain and looking for more information, there are plenty of online forums and Facebook groups. And sure, some of these forums and groups can be great …

Embracing Adventure: A Nomad’s Journey to Spain
Deck the halls I’m out of Spain, fa la la la la, la la la laaaa…. Hello! I am back! Sorry, for the above. ‘Tis the season. And I’m sure everyone wants an answer to …

Living like a Pilgrim: Gone to Spain for 3 Months
Hey, friends – I’m just letting you know that I’m leaving England soon and I’ll be living like a pilgrim in Spain for 3 months. This is a heads up there won’t be any new …