Have you ever figured out that a clean kitchen lowers the food bill? Think about this. Would you rather have a clean, tidy kitchen or walk into a disorganized, dirty mess? Only one of those …
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles
Grocery List with Free Printable
Aaaggghhh! You know what it’s like when you’re baking something or craving a snack, and you go to the fridge or open the cupboard and the item you’re looking for is NOT there! You just …
Cooking in a Small Kitchen aka Kitchenette
Who else has lived in a place with skimpy cooking facilities and knows what it’s like cooking in a small kitchen aka kitchenette? Not everyone has the luxury of living in a residence with a …
Quit Eating your way into Debt!
In a previous post I wrote about how a clean kitchen helps to lower the food bill. “The kitchen is dirty” is an excuse to eat out so you don’t have to deal with cleaning …