Next in my series of a wonderful horse job: thoroughbred groom. BACKGROUND: WHERE I WAS AND WHAT I WAS DOING In the mid 1980s, I moved to Kamloops, British Columbia. Inland, about 200 miles from …

Do you have to Give Two Weeks Notice when Quitting your Job?
Have you ever wondered if you have to give two weeks notice when quitting your job? Is there a law that says you have to give two weeks notice to the boss when quitting your …

Does Higher Education mean a Higher Paying Job?
What do you think? Does higher education mean a higher paying job? When you were younger, did you ever hear that you needed to keep going to school to get a higher paying job? I’m …

Horse Job: Part Time Standardbred Groom
You must be here because you think a horse job as a part time Standardbred groom would be right up your alley. Or I suppose I should say – right up your shed row! Ha …

Wouldn’t a Horse Job be Wonderful?
I can’t tell you how many times I said to myself – wouldn’t a horse job be wonderful! Working with horses would be a dream job for so many people! Or would it? There are …

Older Woman + Job Search = YIKES!
In previous posts I talked about how ageism is alive and well in Canada for older jobseekers and why old resumes don’t cut it these days. It’s tough dusting out an old resume when you’re …

Old Resumes don’t cut it these Days
Brushing off an Old Resume When it comes to looking for work in Canada, ageism is alive and well. If you’re reading from another country, I bet ageism is hard at work where you live …

Taking Stress Leave in Canada
I follow a website called the Canadian Money Forum. This is a community forum board with several sections such as General Finance Talk, Investing, Frugality, Retirement, etc. People can register and ask questions and respond …

Job Offer from the City of Surrey!
I had an odd experience with the City of Surrey’s hiring department early in 2017. Out of the blue I received an email from Manpreet, employment coordinator, that read in part: Dear Cheryl, Congratulations …