Hi friends, and thanks for stopping by to read how I’m turning my travel dreams into housesitting adventures! If travel and housesitting interests you – keep reading! I’ve written about my Adventures in Housesitting from …

Wednesday Thoughts: 7 Things on my Mind Today
Hello friends! And thanks for stopping by to read Wednesday Thoughts: 7 Things on my Mind Today. Every time I do a Wednesday Thoughts post, I have a different number of things on my mind. …

Summer Days and My Big Eurail Adventure
Hello friends! Thanks for stopping by to read Summer Days and My Big Eurail Adventure. June has been a busy month for me. Bookending with housesits and My Big Eurail Adventure inbetween. I bought a …

Frustrating Pitfalls when using your Tangerine Bank Account while Travelling Abroad
Hello friends, and thanks for stopping by to read about the frustrating pitfalls when using your Tangerine Bank account while travelling abroad. As you might recall, I have a hate/hate relationship with Tangerine Bank. I …