I recently found a job in a quick time frame – one week! Yippee! Unheard of. I’ve looked for work for months without getting a nibble. And the nibbles I get usually go nowhere after …

Don’t Apply to every Job out There
When it comes to looking for a job, which I’ve had to do quite frequently since being divorced, the big job search engine Indeed has become my go to spot. There are different Indeed sites …

Older Woman + Job Search = YIKES!
In previous posts I talked about how ageism is alive and well in Canada for older jobseekers and why old resumes don’t cut it these days. It’s tough dusting out an old resume when you’re …

Old Resumes don’t cut it these Days
Brushing off an Old Resume When it comes to looking for work in Canada, ageism is alive and well. If you’re reading from another country, I bet ageism is hard at work where you live …

Did you get an Email from Jobs State Employment?
Who else has received email from Jobs State Employment Ltd? The big question anyone thinks upon receiving unsolicited emails is are they legit or are they a scam? Are they spammers? What’s their deal? Is …

Job Offer from the City of Surrey!
I had an odd experience with the City of Surrey’s hiring department early in 2017. Out of the blue I received an email from Manpreet, employment coordinator, that read in part: Dear Cheryl, Congratulations …