Hello friends! I’ve been busy these past few months volunteering on Mayreau Island. Say what? Where the hell is Mayreau Island? That was my question, too, late last year when I heard about this volunteering …

Arranging Housesitting Positions
Hi friends, thanks for stopping by to read about how I’m arranging housesitting positions. In my post Adventures in Housesitting I talked about how most of my housesitting jobs were through friends of my parents …

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
2020 has been a tough year all around. Whether it’s illness or unemployment brought on from the coronavirus pandemic, or something else, let’s all hope for a better and brighter 2021! Today’s post features some …

9 Myths about Horseback Riding
Today’s blog post title, 9 Myths about Horseback Riding, is inspired by the myths that horse lovers come up against from non-horsey people. How do I describe the bliss when I’m riding a horse? I’m …

9 Steps to get Moving when you don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
Hey, thanks for stopping to figure out 9 steps to get moving when you don’t feel like doing anything! A problem a lot of people are dealing with during the pandemic is how to get …

I’m Unemployed due to Covid-19 and here’s how I’m Spending my Days
Since being off work due to Covid-19, it seems like the days are all the same. Everyday, I put some thought into this question: What day is this? Days all run into one. They blend …

Life around Cloverdale, British Columbia during Coronavirus Pandemic
Fortunately, in British Columbia, Canada we’re not on a quarantine lock down due to Covid-19. Life for me continues pretty much the same. I walk my dogs, spend time with my horse, and grocery shop …

Not Another Capsule Wardrobe Article!
Do we really need another article on the Internet about organizing your closet into a capsule wardrobe? Not happening here. This post is my argument against a capsule wardrobe! Capsule wardrobe Have you been reading …

Happy change your Clocks Ahead Weekend
Happy Saturday! How’s everyone doing this weekend? Good, I hope! Today I’m enjoying a cool, but sunny, day. Big improvement after the freezing temperatures and snow we’ve seen a lot of over the past 6 …

Oregon Coast Road Trip with my Dogs
When I chose Oregon for my 2018 vacation, a lot of the destination decision centered around my dogs who’d be my traveling companions. It comes down to the old question: what to do with your …