Hi friends, and thanks for stopping by to read how to choose your own happiness with a Me List! And just what is a Me List? Is it like a Bucket List? I think most …

3 Basic Life Skills that are no Longer Taught at School
Today’s post includes some of my pet peeves involving 3 basic life skills that are no longer taught at school. Or by parents either. This is something I’ve noticed for 30 years, that these 3 …

A Frightening Awakening
I had a frightening awakening on the Labor Day long weekend at the house where I live. First off, in case it sounds like I’m describing a really nice house – you are correct. It’s …

Road Trip for a Canada Passport
I found a way to get around the long lines and chaos at Passport Canada offices and took a road trip for a Canada passport. Yup, standing in line for days and not getting an …

Wednesday Thoughts: 6 Things on my Mind Today!
A year ago I wrote a similar post called Wednesday Thoughts: 4 Things on my Mind Today. This year I’ve stepped up my game to Wednesday Thoughts: 6 Things on my Mind Today. Call it …

Tackling the Day
When I was getting daily emails from Flylady, she always referred to getting dressed to your shoes. If I’m remembering correctly, she got this from her Mary Kay days. At any rate it’s good advice. …

16 Things that Cowgirls, Wannabe Cowgirls, and Dog Wranglers need to Make Happen!
Dear Dog Wrangler/Wannabe Cowgirl: Live your Life to the Fullest! Ladies, whether or not you own a dog or a horse, sometimes you just got to live your life. Push yourself out of your comfort …

A Year of Maintaining a Healthier Lifestyle
A year ago I wrote about my Year to a Healthier Lifestyle. The quick recap is to avoid my blood sugar levels of crossing into diabetes territory, I had to make lifestyle changes to bring …

6 Easy Ways to Make Time to get Outside
With the good weather approaching, check out my list of 6 easy ways to make time to get outside. If you live somewhere with dark, gray winters, and there’s been too much rain, snow, and …

Weight Loss for Labrador Retriever
In October, 2012 I heard about a 6 year old black Lab who needed a new home. I said I could take her and if she didn’t work out for me, I volunteer with Dogwood …