Thanks for stopping by to read 21 Budget Meals when Money is Tight. Many of us are watching grocery prices go higher and our salaries not going higher. Upwards at least, to keep up with …
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Best Places to buy Cheap Groceries
When it comes to grocery shopping, if you have money and don’t care about the prices – you can shop anywhere you want! For the rest of us who can only watch in dismay …

Eat Cheap and Healthy on a Budget
When you’re on a low income, it helps to keep foods in the house that don’t cost a lot of money. This probably means changing your eating, baking, and cooking habits. The items on my …

When Will this Movie End?
Yikes – when will this movie end? Who’s had bad first (and last!) dates? Read and laugh about my cheap date who laughed like a sea lion in the movie house. Yikes! I spent the …