Review Lipton Iced Tea Southern Sweet Tea

Let’s play Jeopardy!

The answer is: Lipton Iced Tea Southern Sweet Tea.

What is a sweet southern iced tea with zero calories?

Iced tea

I’m a big iced tea drinker. I got into the fresh brewed iced tea habit about 15 years ago after I bought a Mr. Coffee Ice Tea Maker.

I ditched the unhealthier and more expensive Diet Coke that I always had in the fridge. Drank a glass every night with dinner and probably a couple more glasses throughout the day too.

I’ve gone through a few Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Machines over the years. What can I say? Plastic parts give out after constant use. The price has remained pretty constant, around $20 give or take $5. Sometimes I’ve gotten lucky and it’s on sale when I need a new one.

I love traveling in the United States where they serve fresh brewed iced tea in the restuarants. In Canada, if you ask for iced tea, it’s the pre-sweetened Lipton or Nestea that tastes like the cans you buy in the store. Sure, it’s alright, especially on a hot day, but I like the brewed tea in the states where I can sweeten the iced tea myself. Or not.

The fresh brewed iced tea concept hasn’t caught on in Canada. I suppose I could order a regular tea in a restaurant plus a glass of ice cubes and do my own thing at the table.

Sweet Tea

I love all things sweet. Chocolate. Bakery goodies. Yummy!

It’s a logical step that sweet iced tea would be a big hit with me. I love that I can buy it in the McDonald’s in the states.

Come on McDonald’s in Canada. Would it kill you to serve sweet tea iced tea in your restaurants up here too?

So a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do and make her own sweet tea. I shared my recipe on the blog. Click the banner to check it out and enjoy this sweet iced tea for pennies a glass.

How to Make Sweet Tea

Then I had to go one step further and figure out how to make sweet tea in my Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker.

How to make Sweet Tea in Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker

Both these methods for sweet tea were just fine until the doctor told me I had to bring my blood sugar down.

That meant cutting out sweet treats.

So sad. No more sweet tea for me.

Lipton sells what?

Fortunately, a couple of months later, I was in Oregon and shopping at a Walmart in Newport. I was looking for a heart healthy tea I’d read about called Lipton Red Goji Raspberry Tea that could help with weight loss. Not sold in Canada, so I kept my eye out in the states.

Review: Lipton Iced Tea Southern Sweet Tea

It sucks that I didn’t find it in the Newport Walmart.

Not to worry. I found it in Coos Bay! And I’ve never found it again. Sob! That’s probably a story for another day.

Back to Newport. I saw Lipton’s Iced Tea Sweet Southern Tea, and picked it up and read the box – I’m big on checking the ingredients of everything before I buy. I liked the zero calorie thing for a sweet tea. It wasn’t what I was looking for, but oh well. I tossed a box in my shopping cart.

Big mistake!

After coming home and trying it out, I really wished I’d bought more boxes of Lipton Iced Tea Sweet Southern Tea. Especially after I found out they’re not sold in Canada.

Not even on Amazon Canada!

The hunt is on

OK, now that I know what I like, I got the word out. I know at least three people who shop regularly in Washington, either Lynden or Bellingham, both pretty close to the border. I made photocopies of the boxes of both these Lipton teas I liked and asked my buds to keep their eyes open.

Walmart and other grocery stores, they come up empty.

I was on a mission.

What else could I do?

Another road trip to Oregon!

Things to do in Lincoln City, Oregon

About an hour into Washington there’s a Walmart in Mount Vernon where I’ve shopped many times. I stopped and eagerly checked out the tea section.

No southern sweet tea. No raspberry goji tea either. Well, that sucks!

I spent the night in Astoria, Oregon and had better luck with the Walmart in Warrenton. Scored four boxes of  Lipton Iced Tea Sweet Southern Tea.

And zero of the red goji raspberry.

Oh well.

I went back to my old friend the Walmart in Newport and picked up more boxes of Lipton’s Sweet Southern Tea.

And still zippo on the red goji raspberry.

Has that sucker been discontinued?

In action

I’ll sum up my review of Lipton Iced Tea Sweet Southern Tea.

Delicious! I love it!

The only thing I don’t like about Lipton Southern Sweet Tea?

They don’t sell it in Canada! Come on Lipton – get with the program! Ship the Southern Sweet Tea north!

Check out my video review of Lipton’s Iced Tea Sweet Southern Tea as I brew it.

Note: I did not receive compensation or free products for my review of Lipton Iced Tea Sweet Southern Tea.

More reading:

If you like seeing my reviews, check out Orville Redenbacher popcorn review.

Review of Orville Redenbacher Popcorn

Want to learn how to make iced tea in a Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker? (Also not sold in Canada!)

How to make Iced Tea in Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker



    1. Luzianne also doesn’t like Canadians! Ha ha! I checked online and found a forum in Ontario with people trying to find it. Nowhere! Also one person said they can’t even find Luzianne in the western US states. Must only cater to a southern US market!

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