Hi friends, and thanks for stopping by to read about how I love my hot chocolate and churros!

Yup, I’m a full-fledged chocoholic.

I discovered hot chocolate and churros many decades ago when I was working as an au pair in Madrid, Spain.

Luckily for my waistline, hot chocolate and churros are not a thing in Canada. However, the craving to enjoy a mug of thick-as-pudding hot chocolate and dunking sugar-coated churros has never gone away.

Fast forward a few decades and I returned to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago.

Hot chocolate and churros

I arrived in Madrid, Spain in mid-September, 2023 but didn’t spot any places selling hot chocolate and churros before I caught a train up to Pamplona to get myself to the starting point of the Camino de Santiago.

Walking along the Camino, I kept my eyes open for places selling hot chocolate and churros. No luck! Plenty of places selling cafe con leche, but maybe that’s a story for another time.

Then I arrived in Burgos. Success!

I grabbed a seat and the table top had the menu printed on it.

Dilemma! I loved everything I saw! But I went with what I’ve been craving for decades – chocolate con churros (hot chocolate with churros). Delicious!

Every time I spotted a cafe selling hot chocolate and churros, I was drawn in.

Can you believe they give you a package of sugar to put into your hot chocolate? Sweetness overload!

Found this amazing little hole in the wall place in Leon that served up the lowest priced hot chocolate and churros. Pretty much the best I had in Spain. Interesting name. Churreria Paris – when they’re not in France.

I spent a few weeks on the Costa Calida in a town called Lo Pagán where there is a Monday market with dozens of vendors selling food and clothing. It was quite warm there – 25C – and I spotted a food truck selling hot chocolate and churros, but not getting much business due to the heat. I walked by. Too hot for hot chocolate!

Ice cream weather, not hot chocolate weather. But the following week was cooler and overcast, and I got my hot chocolate and churro fix.

Had my fill of hot chocolate and churros

Love my Hot Chocolate and Churros!

I admit. As my time in Spain wound down, I’d pretty much had my fill of chocolate y churros.

So, am I good to go for a few more decades?

Hmmm… probably not. But who knows when I’ll be back in Spain again?

Stay tuned!

Published by Cheryl @ The Lifestyle Digs on April 17, 2024.

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