Look like a Cowgirl with Pink Ariat Fatbaby Boots

When going through life changes, whether it’s moving to a new place, a divorce, a death, a new baby, often it’s a good time to make changes to yourself, switch up your style. When it happened to me, I thought maybe it’s time to look like a cowgirl with pink Ariat Fatbaby boots.

Well, maybe I didn’t think those exact thoughts, but it was a good time to reinvent myself and change my look. Even though I knew about Ariat Fatbaby cowgirl boots, I’d never thought about buying a pair. Or any other type of cowboy or cowgirl boots for that matter.

How to look like a cowgirl with pink Ariat Fatbaby boots.
The running shoes cowgirl

I’ve owned horses all my life which might make you might think I’ve adapted a Western look to my wardrobe. Nope. I’m pretty much a T-shirt and jeans girl, or if it’s chilly outside, I might wear a sweater. I became known as the running shoes cowgirl. I never wore boots. A long time ago a former employer gave me her old pair of cowboy boots. They were about one size too small and pinched me uncomfortably so after a couple of tries, I stopped wearing them. I must have decided all cowboy boots pinch and never got into wearing them.

I also never became a person who wore gingham or plaid shirts or cowboy hats. No frilly square dance dresses for me either.

Then I went through a divorce.

Remember what I said above about going through a life change to switch up your style.

One day I found my way to a website called ShoeMe that sold reasonably priced shoes and boots, with free shipping. Before you go looking, they declared bankruptcy in early 2017. It was just after Christmas when I discovered them a couple of years ago and they were having a 30% off sale. Yikes maybe those sales put them under, because almost every month there was a 20 to 25% discount going on, though some brands were excluded. Even before the discount, their prices were still pretty good. I discovered a pair of cute purple Justin Gypsy boots. Check them out on my post about how to clean Justin Gypsy boots.

Very nice. Did that mean I was suddenly going to start being cowgirl fashionable?


How to look like a cowgirl with pink Ariat Fatbaby boots.

My next purchase a couple of months later, also during a month long sale, were a pair of camouflage pink cowboy boots made by Ariat Fatbaby. Very similar style to my Justin Gypsy boots, and definitely cowgirl fashionable.

The Ariat Fatbaby boots are so comfortable. Even more comfortable than the Justin Gypsys. I wear my cute camo pink Fatbabys while walking my dogs. They can be worn to work. On an airplane. Out grocery shopping.

How to look like a cowgirl with pink Ariat Fatbaby boots.

Even lounging on a couch with the dog.

Fatbaby cowboy boots can be worn just about anywhere. Except on a horse. Or at least so far for me.

That’s because I haven’t worn them to the barn because I don’t want my cute pink Fatbaby boots to get dirty. I also remember reading a post by a cowgirl who said that Fatbaby boots weren’t allowed at competition. That tells me some judge or maybe plural judges decided that Fatbaby boots are a little too fat to be considered safe in a stirrup. Well, I don’t know. They look like they’d fit OK in a wide stirrup on a Western saddle. Maybe one day when they get older and a little grubbier, I’ll wear my Fatbabys while horseback riding.

How to look like a cowgirl with pink Ariat Fatbaby boots.

If you want a pair of pink Fatbabys like mine, check them out at HorseLoverz. Right now they’re on sale, around $70.

So far I haven’t expanded my cowgirl wardrobe, but I’ve been poking around the HorseLoverz website and putting together a wish list. Whether or not you’re into buying cowgirl chic or supplies for your horse, you should definitely check them out. They have daily flash sales and all kinds of items on clearance. If you have a horse person in your life you buy gifts for, definitely check out HorseLoverz.


Who has suggestions on how I can look like a fashionable cowgirl?

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