Comment and Disclosure Policy

Comment Policy

Two words: No flaming. Wait. Let me throw in another two words: Be nice. Some people spend too much time tearing others down. I volunteer as a webmaster on another blog that is trolled by followers of a commercial cult, who leave evil, nasty, negative comments full of lies, and I’ve seen first hand the horrible people who exist in our world – and that’s why I leave approving those comments to another volunteer! This blog is not the place for revolting criticisms or negativity. Let’s play nice! We’re on the same team! I welcome ideas and comments from readers of all walks of life. All I ask when you leave comments is that they be expressed respectfully or they won’t be approved for posting.

Spam Comments

This blog uses a widget to weed out spam comments.

Due to all the spam, I turned on the settings that all comments must be approved before publishing.

If you don’t see your comment posted, something about your comment sent it to the spam filter. Please try again or email me directly.

If you’re very obviously a spammer, your comments will be marked as spam.

Comments left in foreign languages are also swept away with the spammer widget. Most of them are pretty much spammers anyway. There are hundreds of spam comments picked up daily that are written in Spanish asking how to log off. Readers do not need to log on to this blog to read content. No log on. No log off.

I delete the spam comments once or twice a week.

Disclosure Policy

This blog is a source of income and may occasionally include reviews, endorsements and testimonials. I feel it is important to disclose the following to my readers:

There are Google Ads placed throughout the blog. These are random placements based on the Adsense coding and I have no control over where they appear.

The content of this blog is a source of income and may be used to promote products, services, and other businesses.

From time to time I post a review of products, services, or businesses that I have personally used and/or feel they will be useful to my readers.

There may be reviews of products that are paid sponsorships or that have been provided to me free of charge. This will not affect a truthful review. You can trust me to give an honest opinion about a product, service, or business whether or not I am receiving payment. Sponsored products will always be disclosed.

My first priority is accuracy and honesty to my readers. I don’t compromise my ethics or bend the truth just to make a buck. It’ll never happen.

I am an Amazon Associate and always disclose when I’ll receive a small commission on referrals to Amazon links.

Any affiliate partnerships where you click a link and make a purchase on their website that will result in a small commission to me for the referral, will always be disclosed.

I give it my all to deliver interesting, helpful, and encouraging content while generating a small profit through affiliates as compensation for my time, research, and ideas. I love and appreciate my readers and my goal is to be up front and honest with every post.

Privacy Policy

This blog does not share personal information with third parties. I do not store any information about your visit to this blog with the possible exception of analyzation purposes to enhance the blog’s content and reading experience through the use of cookies.

You can turn off cookies anytime by adjusting your browser settings.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated July 2023. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly.