Who else occasionally ends up with greasy hands?
Or maybe more often than occasionally!
My greasy hands usually come courtesy of Ko-Cho-Line whenever I use it to clean my saddle.
It’s a really good leather conditioner, but it’s a pink, red goop that leaves behind oily hands. I use a cloth (that I won’t need for anything else ever again!) to apply it, but I still get it coated on my hands.
Ko-Cho-Line is better on dark colored leather because the grease will darken whatever it’s conditioning. If your leather gets dry rot or mold, Ko-Cho-Line is perfect for cleaning.
The next task is to clean those hands, because nobody likes that greasy feeling. Soap and water and a scrub brush don’t do a good job of getting that greasy film off.
All it takes is a teaspoon of sugar and a squirt of dish soap. Any dish soap should do, but I use Palmolive.
Who remembers those old commercials with Madge the manicurist working in the beauty salon? Her customers were always surprised to find out their fingers were soaking in Palmolive dish soap.
Once you’ve added dish soap to the sugar, rub your hands together.
You can use a pumice stone, scrub brush, or face cloth if needed to rub in the sugar paste.
I find my hands are very smooth after doing this. Guess Madge was right!
If you like, rub in hand lotion once you’ve dried off your clean hands.
It’s a simple cowgirl hack. Get your hands clean fast with ingredients you already have in the house.
Cheap and easy!