What’s a Tofurky you ask?
It’s a plant based roast – perfect for a vegetarian, especially for special occasions. In the center of the roast is a wild rice stuffing.
On my YouTube video, Pandemic Christmas Day Vlog, I show my Tofurky before and after the oven. I’ve set the video below just before I put it in the oven.
When it comes to cooking, a big issue for singles is there’s too much food to eat in one sitting. We have to be very committed to eating the same meal for lunch and dinner for a few days, or else freeze the leftovers.
A Tofurky is found in the freezer section at the grocery store. It’s probably in the organic or vegetarian section, and it’s not easy to find. In 2019 I couldn’t find one at all. In October, 2020 I spotted an elusive Tofurky roast and tossed it in my cart. This was around the Canadian Thanksgiving so the store may have ordered more for that occasion.

I was thinking ahead to Christmas Day, not knowing what was going to happen. I either have Christmas dinner with my cousins – one is also a vegetarian – or I go to a community celebration.

As it turned out, neither happened due to a public health order banning gatherings outside your own household. Thank you Covid-19!
The Tofurky is purchased frozen. It has to be defrosted in the fridge 24 hours before cooking, and it takes an hour and a half to cook in the oven.
I’m not too keen on hot Tofurky, right from the oven. I prefer it cold and sliced into a sandwich.

How many sandwiches can I eat? Especially since I cut back on bread as part of being motivated for weight loss and living a healthier lifestyle.
The best solution seemed to slice the Tofurky, freeze it, and then eat at a later date.
But can this be done? Or does a Tofurky taste gross once its been cooked, frozen, and then thawed?
I searched the Internet to find out if a cooked Tofurky can be frozen without success. Has no one ever tried to do this before?
I’d have thought at the very least that question would be answered on the FAQ page for Tofurkey products!
Does everyone out there have a large household and refreezing the roast Tofurky has never come up? Apparently so!
I bit the biscuit and decided I’d have to be the guinea pig who freezes a cooked Tofurky.

Two days later I sliced the leftover Tofuky roast, wrapped the slices in cling wrap, and froze them inside a freezer bag.
Three weeks later, I took one slice out and put it in the fridge overnight. The next day I made a sandwich. Tasted about right to me.

A couple of weeks later I took another slice of Tofurky out of the freezer and defrosted in the fridge, and then made another sandwich.
The only thing I can say is that I thought the texture might have been a little chewier, a little rubbery, but taste wise, there was no difference.
I’ve not tried defrosting in the microwave or heating up the sliced Tofurky. I don’t like it hot, and ultimately anything in a microwave is going to heat up to a certain extent.
Can you Freeze a Cooked Tofurky Roast?
So, there you have the answer to that burning question: Can you freeze a cooked Tofurky roast, thaw it, and eat it.
Have you tried a Tofurky Roast? Do you like it better hot or cold?

Posted by Cheryl @ The Lifestyle Digs on February 8, 2021.

At this point I am just wondering if I can leave a purchased tofurky, which is still in its box in the freezer for a while. For how long, I wonder?
Their website says for a year in the freezer, but it’ll probably last longer, maybe 2 years. Does it have a best before date on the package? I don’t recall if mine did or not. I usually eat them within 3 months of buying.